Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Run Test - 2 miles just over 16 minutes.

Ok, so I had a couple days off from P90X but came back with a vengeance. I hit the run test with a fast first mile (well, fast for me) at 7:40 minutes and with my BPM at 160, I pulled back a bit. Second mile was in a HIIT format peaking HR at 168 bpm and maxing speed at 9.5 mph for .25 miles or 400 meters. That was HARD but doable. My lungs were on fire. And sorry for the short sentences, but I'm still catching my breath. :)

My HR dropped 30 bpm within 2 minutes so that's a fast improvement.

Now to cut up some trees and then hit up Power YogaX for my daily workout.

Any ideas out there?

What do you do to motivate yourself when you don't have someone pushing you to workout?


  1. To motivate myself, I like to read motivational quotes/sayings, start browsing through some success stories, and just plain remind myself that "I" determine my level of success each and everyday. This is what helps give me that little extra push to workout.
