Friday, April 30, 2010

Bonking Hurts! Adjust Your Diet

I completely forgot to adjust my calorie intake and type of calories for this month. Last month, in Africa, I was supposed to be in Phase one, zero to minimal starch. All calories were SUPPOSED to be from pure protein foods like fish and chicken, fruit, and vegetables. That wasn't possible there due to selection out there.

So this morning I was making breakfast and noticed that I was bonking really early in my workouts. So I had a little glycogen boost in my meal. I have my typical 4 egg whites with sauteed veggies and 3 strips of turkey bacon. But I added a half cup of Go Lean cereal with some blackberries.

Wow, I feel like I just gave myself a shot of something incredible, because that pump I have this morning is something I haven't seen or felt in a long time.

Looking forward to Plyometrics today and a 4 mile run. Tomorrow, I'll have a two mile test to see how much I improved and if I'll hit my sub 16min goal for next week.

1 comment:

  1. Glad that you got that glycogen boost :) and ready to read about your results for tomorrow.
